In some parts of the Church
women have more authority than ever.
They’re breaking stained glass ceilings left and right.
Sometimes it feels like the world is about to turn.
But women in ministry often feel
unheard, undermined, not taken seriously.
It’s not an accident that most women in ministry:
Will prioritize the needs of their people over their own
Will feel more anxious and less like they belong
Are less likely to "say the thing" for fear of rocking the boat

As a woman you absorbed,
social and theological conditioning
before you had any awareness or say.
You have been taught to think
in ways that diminish,
objectify, and devalue you.
Therefore it's not an accident if you've ever found yourself saying:
"I believe in sabbath rest..."
but find yourself responding to emails
and writing the sermon on your day off.
"I believe in loving myself as I love my neighbor..."
but say things that are so self-critical
you would never say them aloud to another person.
"I know the importance of boundaries in ministry..."
but find yourself working when you've committed to
being with your loved ones.
If any of these statements apply to you...

Nothing has gone wrong.
There's certainly nothing wrong with you!
Of course you try to feel better by reading another self-development book, keeping busy,
or binging Netflix to get away from it all.
But here's the thing:
None of those beautiful coping strategies
address the root cause of the problem.
You're taught to just "work harder,"
"get more organized," or "do more."
But you can't "action" your way out of wanting to leave your current church or leaving ministry altogether.
If you could, you would have done it already.
Instead I know You're Ready:
To Write The Sermon Before Saturday
And Have Time for Family.
To Not worry about what other people think
and Say The Thing Everyone Else is Thinking.
To Extend Yourself the Same Grace
you so Freely Extend to others.

Sue Ellen Shivley Spotts
I highly recommend Crystal as a coach for anyone seeking a compassionately critical ear to guide them in discerning aspects of their life and vocation.

Liz Colmant Estes
I took a chance on Crystal because she tied life coaching to the success and happiness of women clergy.
My mind is clearer and
I have more room to enjoy the parts of
my job that I love.

Marcia Blasi
Coaching was not a “feel good” experience,
but an honest look into myself. Sometimes it feels really good
and sometimes
it is really hard, and
absolutely necessary.
I combine biblical interpretation, feminism
and coaching to rewire your brain
and do what your heart desires.
Nothing bad happens when women in ministry
live in their power
as fierce, faithful, female leaders.